Creating opportunities for cooperation and communication between local associations and representatives of local government

On 18.11.2016, at the premises in restaurant “Prince”, Tetovo was held the fourth round table within this project. The roundtable was attended by local associations of citizens and representatives of local government.

The purpose of this round-table was to create opportunities for cooperation and communication between local associations of citizens and representatives of local government. An opportunity was created for participants to share experiences, opinions, and to identify solutions to certain problems that they potentially have.

In a discussion on how smaller communities participate in decision making process at the local level were opened questions and problems that the local authorities and civil associations of citizens discussed on.

Several important conclusions were made on which needs to be worked on in the next period on meetings that will take place between local associations and the local authorities in order to overcome problems and to create opportunities for good communication and cooperation.


This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Association National Roma Centrum (NRC), Kumanovo and partner organization Association of Roma AVENA, Kocani and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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