On September 6, 2022, the National Roma Center (NRC) on the square in Kumanovo dedicated a day of activity to public information and encouragement of women, their families and children who for various reasons are, were or are at risk of repeated or future violence.
The NRC team observed and recorded the following
Women, girls, regardless of religion and age, are still afraid and do not have the courage to report the violence they have suffered.
All this indicates that the entire system in the state and the awareness of the ordinary citizen have not achieved development in order to be reduced preventively.
The women’s message If our country aspires to enter the EU, but first of all the rule of law.
Citizens had the opportunity to receive oral information and instructions on where they can report violence and how they can exercise their rights through free legal aid, a project implemented by NRC and supported by Sweden Sverige, The Kvinna till Kvinna Fondation, National network against violence against women and domestic violence.