Kumanovo,17th August 2017(MIA)-twelve young Roma girls, high school and university students from Macedonia, Bulgaria and Serbia for the third time participate in a media training programe Buvero that started today and will continue in the following 9 days in Staro Nagoricane Municipality organized by National Roma Centrum Kumanovo. The young Roma girls will be trained in producing audio-visual material creating network for communication and Internet connecting of the youth in the region.
Professional lecturers will train the young how to create a journalistic story with photos and video material how to implement digital technology as a tool of providing human rights protection. This is the first training program in which young girls from other countries participate, after the first two in which young Roma girls from Macedonia participated they had the opportunities to strengthen their self confidence and work on the development of personal capacities which will benefit them in their professional improvement.
-The participation of the young girls and this group specifically gives me hope that there are young people to whom a chance should be given to grow and improve. I hope that the following year we will be able to take the camp to a higher level and organize it outside the country. This year as well as the last few years we will participate in a few festivals, with the productions of the participants from The Netherlands and Germany. We are the only ones in the region that give young girls the opportunity to create their future and as women- fight for their rights, as participants of the Roma community and contribute for the development of the community from which they came from, said Ashmet Elezovski from National Roma Centrum.
The project is financed by the programe Europe for Citizens and it is in partnership with Romedia Foundation.
The camp takes place for the fifth year in a row, the first 2 it took place in Hungary and the last 3 in Macedonia. We started the camp with history and the Roma identity and from their stories they create journalistic stories with photos and video material, said Slavica Curcinska, organizer and lecturer at Buvero camp.
The participants are very satisfied with their participation in the camp, experience and information exchange and they think that they will distribute the things they have learned in their local communities, but also work on promoting the rights of Roma women in the environments where they come from. The majority of the previous camp participants are already active in the civil sector and media, the organizers explained.
The participants’ final products will be presented to the public once the camp is finished.