Request for external expert 1 lecturer -Tirana
Pregnant women pay for check-ups, the Health Fund invites them to report
Edno magazine news with links

“Adequate Housing Policies and Practices Presentation of a Report” “I Have to Live in an Urban Environment First”
Meeting Roma:Stip on January 28, 2021 Within the project “Policies and practices for adequate housing” on 28.01.2020, the National Roma Centrum presented the research report prepared within the project. As a result of the...
NRC demands substantial implementation of the laws on free examinations for pregnant women and mothers -from site
The Association National Roma Centrum (NRC) from Kumanovo, today on the town square with a creative artistic action attracted the attention of passers-by for the (in) appropriate access of pregnant women to gynecological services....
Interview with Dr Daniel T. for Covid 19
Covid 19 must be overcome
Campaign realized from National Roma Centrum North Macedonia November-December 2020
Attitudes for young people for interethnic life and cooperation
Roma Pride Dosta campaign realised from National Roma Centrum North Macedonia November-December 2020
Contribution for Roma in the show 360 degrees
Contribution for Roma in the show 360 degrees for education of Romataken from 360 part of the video as well as a statement of a citizen from Kumanovo and the National Roma Centrum