The six municipalities in the northeastern region lack shelter, crisis center and SOS lines for women victims of gender-based and domestic violence, according to an analysis by NGOs in Kumanovo. Existing social protection programs do not recognize victims of violence as persons at social risk, according to an analysis by the National Roma Centrum, the National Network Against Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, and the Mother Association.

Municipal social protection programs do not recognize victims of gender-based and domestic violence as persons at social risk. No municipality in the region has developed specific measures and allocated budget funds for protection of victims of domestic violence within the programs in the field of social protection, nor provided financial support for providers of specialized services for victims of violence.
- Apart from a specialized counseling center for women and children in Kumanovo, there are no other services that can support women victims of domestic violence. Services are lacking, we do not have fully available information on how to help and support as well as prevention, we do not have an available SOS line, there are no care centers, temporary accommodation of women victims of domestic violence and crisis centers in the northeast region. It is a comprehensive system of protection not only to change the legal regulations, said Ana Avramovska Nushkova from the National Network against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence.
In May 2019, the Law on Social Protection was adopted, which regulates all these rights and services to be provided, to be available to all citizens, including women victims of gender and domestic violence.

Not only the state, but also the local authorities have the responsibilities to prepare social plans, to map the problems that they have and are characteristic and should improve social services to help and support women and children victims of gender-based and domestic violence , said Avramovska Nushkova from the National Network against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence.
In the Northeast Planning Region, there are two inter-municipal centers for social work in Kumanovo and Kriva Palanka and one center for social work in Kratovo, which provide rights and services in accordance with the Law.
According to the analysis, local governments are & nbsp; obliged & nbsp; to create local policies and programs for the protection of women victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence in cooperation with all relevant stakeholders at the local level (social work centers, police stations, health facilities, preschool and educational institutions) in order to prevent gender-based and domestic violence and protection of victims, and in this regard to have direct cooperation with citizens’ associations.
Local governments & nbsp; are & nbsp; obliged & nbsp; to establish or support associations that will provide specialized services for victims of gender-based and domestic violence, primarily shelters and counseling for victims and in this regard to provide funding for the functioning of specialized services.
Victims of domestic violence deserve essential rights, which, unfortunately, have been denied for years and they have not been given the opportunity to live life with their children, in a better future, said during the presentation of the analysis, Asmet Elezovski, Executive Director of National Roma center Kumanovo.

We ask the local authorities from the northeast to create policies and programs for the protection of women victims and to provide funds for the functioning of specialized services, said Lidija Ilievska from the association “Mother”.
It is important for the municipalities of the Northeast to work on creating local policies for the prevention of gender-based and domestic violence and thus fulfill the obligations arising primarily from the ratified Istanbul Convention and the National Action Plan. Municipalities should develop measures for the prevention of gender-based and domestic violence and measures for the protection of women and child victims who will be integrated into social plans, social protection programs or develop special programs for the prevention of violence, develop a social plan, strategic document, to monitor the situation, identify the needs of victims and plan activities for the establishment of specialized services for victims.
Kumanovo and the municipalities to provide financial resources and to cooperate directly with the civil society organizations on raising public awareness and providing services for economic empowerment of the victims.

Among the main recommendations is for the municipalities in the northeast to provide funds for the functioning of 17 family places that will serve as a crisis center for the victims.
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