04 – 07 October 2010

On the 05 October 2010 NRC’s team had the opportunity to participate on „Open Days“ 2010 in Brussels.

The following are the statements of NRC’s team that participated on the „Open Days“:

This was a reach experience to see the European Union’s Institutions from within.

I participated on the “Work and achievement of the EU bodies”, but also the problems and the challenges they face. We also had the opportunity to meet with several EU high ranking officials.

Perica Spasovski,
Lawyer in NRC

This experience was of great significance since we had a first hand opportunity to see how European institution function. The participation on the “Open Days” workshops provided me with possibilities to learn about European processes and to experience a culture different from ours.

Kiril Petkovski,
Assistant for youth and sport program

Good opportunity for my education. I hope this is not my last time to visit European Council and looking forward to work for them.

Elez Elezovski,
Youth program

A great experience for me. I would like to transfer that experience in our region in order to work on similar experiences and projects that were presented on the “Open Day” in Brussels, also for Macedonia to succeed to enter the EU. As participants it would be good if we could transfer such positive experiences in Macedonia.

Ljatif Demirovski
Financial administrator

Participation on the “Open Days” in Brussels on which the vision and strategy was prepared for Europe 2020 was a great and useful experience from several aspects. The visit to European institutions offered me the opportunity to experience Europe in a cultural, sociological, economical and organizational aspect.

The organization of the “Open Days” 04-07 October 2010 (eight year in a row) for all citizens and interested organizations, association, was on a very high and professional level.

This promotion of the European culture was according to a previously announced program for participants that have previously registered for participation.

Through my participation on one of the sessions in a European Commission building, from representatives of European institutions I had the opportunity to listen and learn about the conditions and challenges that EU faces and what are the visions for development and promotion of EU’s work. On the session I participated an analysis was explained of measuring of the quality of life of EU citizens and what are its weaknesses.

These expression are of significance in order to feel the European spirit, functioning of European institutions, EU’s level of development and application of such experiences in R. Macedonia.

Slavica Tasevska – Simonovik
Project assistant

This was a rare and unique opportunity to feel the finesse of democracy and to see the structures on which it rests in the heart of the European Union.

This experience was for importance for further development of my personal capacities and my perception for the European Union, because the entire process was an opportunity to visit European Institutions up close as well as to see their organizational structure and sophistication of the work of the European Parliament and the European Commission. A special contribution for this were the meetings in the European Parliament, the meetings with the officials from the office of Mr. Baroso, the president of the European Commission as well as the gained experience from the lectures and workshops from the “Open Days”, that showed the functioning of European processes and the European Union in all social segments.

Kani Mustafovski
administrative worker

This was of great significance for me, since this was my first time visit in such institutions. We held meetings with the first people from the European Parliament and European Commission.

The way of functioning of such large events and institutions impressed me, because everything worked flawlessly. I also consider that this was very important for NRC as well. We exchanged significant information with high level official of the European Union where we represented NRC.

Slavica Curcinska
NRC’s head of education department

I have had previous experiences and visits in the European Commission and the European Parliament. The intention for this initiative came from the idea that I had previously shared with my team members. The “Open Days” were an opportunity to see and visit up close how European institutions function and what instruments and methods they use.

Also a pleasure for me was that part of NRC’s team had the opportunity to meet with several representatives from European institutions, like the European Parliament where we met with Livija Jaroka, a Roma Europarliamentarian.

In these European institutions a meeting was also realized with Vivian Reding (deputy of the President of the European Commission Jose Manual Barosso).

My colleagues from the NRC were pleasantly surprised of the way of functioning of the European institutions, the registration process and promotion of European values.

My opinion from these meetings is that at least once a year, Roma organizations should hold meetings with these kind of representatives in order to create  possibilities to transfer opinions and messages directly, which is by far a more efficient and more active method then just through documentation.

What I saw through these meetings was that the Roma issue is strengthened in the agendas of the European institutions and it is moving slowly but upwards.

The general conclusion is that every institution that has good working conditions and is appropriately paid has effects.

It is difficult when an organization faces problems with finding finances and much is expected from it.

Asmet Elezovski
NRC manager