Terms of References
For procurement of implementation of the outreach blueprint campaign for employment benefits of Roma (B.L a10) under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of Roma people, especially women and youth”
I. Background
The project “Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of Roma people, especially women and youth”, supported by We Effect started in May 2021.
The project objective is ”Providing support in rural development especially for poor members of the communities in the selected market systems so that local communities are resilient and sustainable.” The project with be based on two outcomes, first being focused on implementation of MSD based pilot interventions. The second outcomes is ”Increased organizational capacities and financial sustainability of NRC”.
NRC (implementer of the intervention) and PAV MOTIVI Skopje(intervention partner) will work to implementanoutreach campaign for for employment benefits of Roma.
II.Objective of the assignment
The engagement for implementation of the outreach blueprint campaign for employment benefits of Romain Skopje includes
(a) following services:
a1. Coordination and preparatory activities for the assignment and review of relevant materials-Campaign strategy for employment benefits of Roma, Action plan for implementation of the Strategy for employment benefits of Roma and 3marketing products (web banner,flyer and poster), provided by NRC
a2.Printing and placing 30 posters (B2 size) in key locations, which are prepared within the action plan of the campaign in cooperation with Motivi and engaged Roma middlemen
a3.Printing and distribution of 200 flyers (A5 size two sided), which are prepared within the action plan of the campaign in cooperation with Motivi and engaged Roma middlemen
a4.Creating a landing page for the campaign itself on the MOTIVI’s website
a5.Preparation and distribution of a Press Release (PR Announcement)
a6.Media lease for Banner campaign
a7.Sponsoring Facebook (FB Ad)
a8.Lease of a billboard in the municipality of Shuto Orizari (Skopje)
a9. Organization of one public meeting with citizens from Shuro Orizari in cooperation with Motivi and engaged Roma middlemen
a10.Creating a Viber chat groupin cooperation with Motivi and engaged Roma middlemen
a11.Preparation and delivery of activity report and time sheet (in English), 5 days after the engagement is finished
a12.Acceptance and respect of the principles and ethic values of the NRC and PAE MOTIVI Skopje
a13.Communication and cooperation with all participants in the project
The engagement of the еxternal includes the
(b) following deliverables:
b1.Printed30 posters (B2 size) and placed posters in key locations, which are prepared within the action plan of the campaign
b2.Printed200 flyers (A5 size two sided), and distributed flyers, which are prepared within the action plan of the campaign
b3.Created a landing page for the campaign itself
b4.Prepared and distributed of a Press Release (PR Announcement)
b5.Media leased for Banner campaign
b6.Sponsored Facebook (FB Ad)
b7.Leased of a billboard in the municipality of Suto Orizari (Skopje)
b8. Organized one public meeting with citizens from Shuro Orizari municipality
b9.Created a viber chat group
b10. Activity report in English (delivered 5 days after finishing the engagement tasks)
b11. Time sheet (delivered 5 days after finishing the engagement tasks)
Expected duration of assignment is February 2022- March 2022.
III. Duty travel &accommodation
There are travel costs for travel to/inSkopje.
IV. Coordination& reporting
Contact point/responsible person for the assignment are
- Chief Executive from PAV MOTIVI Skojpe
- Co-facilitator from NRC
- Organizational Development Coordinator from NRC.
The engaged external expertise will report once after finishing of the assignment with activity report in English and time sheet.
V. Qualification requirements
Quantitative and qualitative criteria upon which offers will be evaluated are:
- At least 3 years of work experience in implementation of outreach strategies;
- At least 3 years of work experience in creative projects and realization of products for raising awareness;
- Proven knowledge of advertising techniques and principles;
- Active knowledge of global trends in the field of raising awareness and advertising.
VI. Application procedure:
Deadline for submission of offers is 17.02.2021 until 16:00 p.m.
Offers should be submitted on the following e-mails: info@nationalromacentrum.org and ksojic@nationalromacentrum.org and norik@motivi.mk
Offer should contain following documents:
- Motivation letter with background portfolio indicating experience and number of years in the field and CV(s) of key staff for the assignment
- Proposed methodology and approach
- At least 3 similar products delivered for this type of services;
- Offered gross price in Macedonian denars(travel costs included)
- Current status scanned in original not older than 6 months if the applicant is legal entity
VII. Evaluation of the offers
Incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline for submission will not be taken into consideration.
Best value for money principle will be taken into account by using a weighted scoring method to evaluate the combination of the applicants’ qualification (80%) and financial proposal (20%).
When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract will be made to the bidder whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
· Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
· Having received the highest combined score out of a weighted technical and financial evaluation specific to the solicitation
1. Technical evaluation (80%)
The technical evaluation of the received offers will consist of:
· Evaluation of professional experience (relevance of 30%)
· Evaluation ofproposed methodology and approach(20%)
· Evaluation of similar products and delivery of this type of services(relevance of 30%):
2. Financial evaluation (20%)
The evaluation of the financial offers will be conducted in the following manner:
· The offer with the lowest price shall receive the total of 20 points
· The other offers with higher prices shall receive the respective score according to the following formula: 20* (Lowest Price / Proposed Price).
VIII. Terms of payment
NRCwill sign a contract with the selected applicant. The payment will be made by NRC in two installments: first installment of 50% of the total gross amount of the offered and accepted price after concluding the contract and second installment of 50% of the total gross amount after the engagement and approval of the submitted report and time sheet from by the project team.
IX. Declaration of relationships
The Applicant shall describe if their organization/employees have any business or personal relationships with closely associated party from We Effect, its Regional Office in Skopje, its governing bodies and employees or with similar bodies/persons of NRC and PEA MOTIVI Skopje.
Closely associated party (persons, physical or legal) as per We Effect’s definition is considered person who has the possibility to exert control over, or significant influence on, the other person when it comes to financial and operative decision-making concerning an activity. The purpose of the Declaration is to disclose such information which makes the application and evaluation process more transparent and supports the bids in its relevance according to conditions on the open market.