Key findings from the monitoring of the sessions on the municipal councils
This report was prepared within the project activities “Improving the participation of small(er) communities at the local level” with the support of Delegation of the European Union and Insok.
Association National Roma Centrum from Kumanovo (NRC) together with the Association of Roma Avena Kocani, starting from January 2 till March 31, 2017 monitored the level of quality of the sessions and their dynamics, structure of participants in decision-making process regarding inter-ethnic relations, whether the Commission on inter-ethnic relations is functional and consulted and whether their opinions and recommendations have been taken into account, planning and allocation of funds, participation of smaller communities directly or indirectly as citizens.
Before you is the fourth report which refers to the period from January 2 till March 31, 2017.
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Association National Roma Centrum (NRC) Kumanovo and the partner organization Association of Roma AVENA, Kocani, and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.