On 26-th and 27-th January, at Restaurant Rome-Paris was held a workshop for formal and informal ways of cooperation between representatives of local associations and local authorities.

The workshop was attended by representatives of associations of citizens belonging to the Roma, Albanian, Macedonian community and representatives of the municipality of Kumanovo, Centre for Social Welfare, Department for Administrative Affairs and Council of Kumanovo who participated in identifying specific problems, challenges and needs of smaller communities in the municipality of Kumanovo. Working in groups the participants identified problems in the field of culture, education, employment, health and urbanization and offered concrete solutions for overcoming them.

On the second day of the workshop participants got acquainted with ways on how to recognize impaired cooperation and resolving disputes and conflicts in cooperation and they worked on their communication skills.

The workshop was conducted by two trainers Zoran Stojkovski and Biljana Pesevska in collaboration with the project team.


This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Association National Roma Centrum (NRC), Kumanovo and partner organization Association of Roma AVENA, Kocani and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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