Duration: 01.10.2013/01.10.2014
Financial support: Foundation Institute Open Society
Budget: 14.083 USD
Goals of the project
The general goal of the project is to make a link between the perspectives for EU accession, specifically the pre-accession funds with the Roma inclusion policies. This will enable the introduction of the Roma movement in the development processes on a regional, national and EU level. This will additionally lead to an appropriate reflection of these processes in the programming of IPA 2.
The goals of the project will be realized through a professional training for a group of Roma activists who will have the opportunity to strengthen their own capacities regarding the local and national trends for the EU expansion.
Description of the project:
- Organizing a training according to the needs of Roma associations;
- Helping the associations in the development of a project proposal;
- Helping the associations in writing a document for a public policy, which will serve them as a tool for advocacy;
- Organizational restructuring;
- Certification.
- Strengthened capacities for understanding the EU funds (IPA and the Union’s programs) through a training developed according to the needs of the participants;
- Improved skills for monitoring and advocacy of representatives of the Roma civil society so that they could critically monitor the EU accession process and influence the areas affecting the Roma;
- Developed strategy for a professional organizational development through a development of an organizational frame adequate with the EU extension agenda.