To EU Parliament Mr. president Josep Fontelles Borrell Brussels, Belgium Fax: ++32 2 284 93 41 Respected Mr. president Josep Fontelles Borrell Hereby, we are sending strong protest to any act of Anti-Gypsysim in the EU institutions as recently happened in the European Parliament when the observer Mr. Dimitar Stoyanov from Bulgaria via public e-mail conversation had publicly offended the Roma MEP Livia Jaroka from Hungary stating serious Anti Romani observations. This event could be a far more serious threat then it seems at the beginning and represents a strong indicator about the condition and the atmosphere which rules in certain circles and even institutions in Europe. Therefore, we hope that similar acts of racism against Roma will not be allowed and continued in your house as well as you will use your maximum power to inform the Bulgarian Authorities to prevent Mr. Stoyanov from future observation status in the European Parliament.

Asmet Elezovski